Fees and Charges
We're keeping our experience prices as low as possible whilst giving you the flexibility to add additional elements only if you want them.
We want our charges to be as fair as possible, so they are listed below, with a clear explanation of why they exist and how you pay for them.
Changes to Booking Fees
Time Since Booking
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Change of Experience Date
Free of charge within 14 days of making a booking, chargable after this period. This fee represents 25% of our average voucher price.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Change of Check In Time
Free of charge, providing there is availability in an alternative timeslot.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Rebook due to illness
Free of charge within 14 days of making a booking, chargable after this period. This fee represents 25% of our average voucher price. Don't forget, if you want to change the name on the booking it is free of charge.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Cancellation of Experience
We'd hate for anyone to need to cancel their experience, but if you do need to cancel and it's within 14 days since you placed the booking, your voucher is refundable. Outwith this, vouchers and add-ons are non-refundable.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Drivers Name Change
Participant name changes are free of charge at any point.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Resend Confirmation
Resending confirmation emails is free of charge at any point.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Change of car selection (within the same category)*
Changing car selection (within the same category) is free of charge at any point, providing there is availability in your alternative choice vehicle. *Please note: there is a premium car upgrade fee for premium cars. Please see further down on this page for more details
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Booking Amendment Fee
Amendments are free of charge within 14 days of making a booking, chargable after this period. This fee represents 25% of our average voucher price. Don't forget, if you want to change the name on the booking it is free of charge.
Within 24 hours
Within 14 days
Outwith 14 days
Other Fees
Credit Card Transactions
We don't charge you to pay by credit card.
Debit Card Transactions
We don't charge you to pay by debit card.
Fuel Charge
We don’t charge you a fuel surcharge.
Weekend Upgrade
Weekend circuit hire comes at an additional cost, so to keep our experiences affordable, you can come on a weekday free of charge, or if you select a weekend our system will apply the upgrade fee for you.
Premium Car Upgrade
There is a premium car upgrade fee for premium cars.
Premium Venue Upgrade
There is a premium venue upgrade fee for premium venues.
Voucher Extension
As long as you contact us before the expiry date, we can offer a voucher extension for an additional £20 which is valid for an additional 12 months.
Booking Amendment Cover
This may only be added when creating your booking - it gives you access to a free change to your booking, meaning that you won't be charged our booking amendment fee.
Peace of Mind Package
From £49**
Our Peace of Mind (POM) has been hugely popular since its introduction. Responding to customer demand for an all-inclusive package that includes collision damage waiver (CDW) and the Booking Amendment Cover (BAC) PLUS to make the package good value to our customers we are including the familiarisation laps free of charge. Please note; 1 car £49, 2 cars £54, 3 cars £59, 4 cars £64, 5 cars £69 and 6 cars £74. Terms and Conditions apply.
Sports Car to Supercar Upgrade
Have a sports and muscle car package, but really want to drive a supercar? Call our office and upgrade from a sports or muscle car to a supercar.
Non-Attendance Rebook
A voucher revalidation fee (£20) and the change of experience date fee rolled into one if you don’t attend one of our events and would like to rebook.
Rebooking if we cancel your event
If for whatever reason we need to cancel your experience, you will be rebooked free of charge.
**must be added at time of booking.
Experience Add-ons
Pre Event
At Event
Collision Damage Waiver
All participants unless they have purchased Collision Damage Waiver, our peace of mind package or one of our Platinum Packages (which includes Collision Damage Waiver), are liable for the first £5000 of any damage caused to any vehicle during their care and control. Purchasing Collision Damage Waiver will reduce the participants liability down to £0. The cost of Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is £34 for 1 car, £39 for 2 cars, £44 for 3 cars, £49 for 4 cars, £54 for 5 cars and £59 for 6 cars. Terms and Conditions do apply. Please see our Terms and Conditions page for full details.
Pre Event
At Event
From £34
From £34
Familiarisation Laps
Turning up to drive a Supercar is an exciting time, the familiarisation laps give the drivers the chance to go out with a member of the PSR team in a regular road car (minibus may be used at busier venues) with other drivers and show you the circuits and share hints and tips, giving driver's more confidence meaning the driver doesn't waste their first lap in their Supercar(s) learning the circuit.
Pre Event
At Event
Extra Laps
You can add extra laps at the sign in desk or if you’re really enjoying the car, you can even add extra laps while out on the circuit – just let your driving coach know.
Pre Event
At Event
From £10
Add car to booking
You can add an extra car to your booking at the event.
Pre Event
At Event
Add driver to booking
You can add an additional driver to your booking at the event.
Pre Event
At Event
Ariel Atom Passenger Ride
You can add a Passenger ride in our Ariel Atom at the event.
Pre Event
At Event
From £39*
Mazda MX5 Track Car Passenger Ride
You can add a Passenger ride in our Mazda MX5 Track Car.
Pre Event
At Event
Mad Mustang Passenger Ride*
You can add a Mad Mustang Passenger ride.
Pre Event
At Event
Crazy Taxi Group Passenger Ride
Whilst we have lots of hot ride options available on the day for you including some potential guest cars, why not add a crazy taxi group passenger ride? This allows 3 people to go in our modified BMW. This offers great value per person and a fantastic way to help include family and friends in your day.
Pre Event
At Event
MX5 to Mad Mustang Upgrade*
Upgrade from MX5 to a Mad Mustang at the event.
Pre Event
At Event
MX5 to Crazy Taxi Upgrade
Upgrade from MX5 to a Crazy Taxi at the event.
Pre Event
At Event
Double Distance
Double the distance in your supercar. This gives the driver 6 laps instead of the standard 3 (with the exception of Dunsfold where the driver would have 4 laps instead of 2 as the laps are considerably longer). This can be added on the day but at £30, so if you add it at the time of booking you will benefit from the online saving.
Pre Event
At Event
From £25
* Selected venues only. ***Extra Laps are available to purchase at the event.